The ramblings of Minecraft addict VladTubaka

Category Archives: Mods

A new way to transport your pigs!

Personal Cars by Ktos94852 is another relatively new small mod that adds cars to Minecraft. Now, adding vehicles to Minecraft is not a new idea, but Personal Cars does it pretty well. Moreover, the mod implements the idea in an imaginative way that I suspect, under the hood, aids the mod’s stability (which has always been a problem for vehicles in Minecraft). Continue reading

Tea trees, from which you get tea leaves, from which you get tea.

Browsing through the most recent mods for MC 1.11.2 on, I came across a fun little mod by elucent (who is involved in quite a number of mods). It’s called “Simply Tea!”, and an apt name that is, too. It adds … wait for it … tea to the game. Yes, it’s simple, hence the name of the mod. But what makes this mod interesting is the detail that goes into producing a cup of tea. Continue reading

My big ol' suspension bridge, mostly completed (except for a few details here and there).

My big ol’ suspension bridge, mostly completed (except for a few details here and there).

I like building bridges in Minecraft. I’ve built a number of different kinds of bridges in the nearly five years I’ve been playing the game. Mostly they’ve been on the smaller side, and the style is usually some kind of covered bridges or stone arch bridges. In my most recent game I decided to try my hand at building a suspension bridge, and a big one at that. In the grand scheme of things, I suppose it isn’t that big. Certainly, it is not a scale model of the a real suspension bridge. But in survival Minecraft terms, this is a pretty decent size build. I’ll just let the picture captions narrate the build. In the next week or so, I’ll write another post that focuses attention on a few specific design elements. Continue reading

I estimate this is 90% completed. There are a number of little details I am still wanting to work on (including especially changing up the materials to include different textures and colors), but this is more or less what I had in mind from the beginning.

I estimate this is 90% completed. There are a number of little details I am still wanting to work on (including especially changing up the materials to include different textures and colors), but this is more or less what I had in mind from the beginning.

So last post I showed you a basic outline, constructed entirely of stone brick, of what was to become a petrified dragon skull and the entrance to my Evil Nether Castle. I didn’t get a ton of work done on that larger project this week, but I did get the skull about 90% done. And here are the pics to prove it. Continue reading

What better entrance could you have for an Evil Nether Castle than a petrified dragon skull?

What better entrance could you have for an Evil Nether Castle than a petrified dragon skull?

When the busy-ness of life calls, I must answer. And when I get three new video games for Christmas, I must play them. So all in all, there hasn’t been the usual Minecraft time on my schedule. But I did lay out the start of a build that, I think, is pretty cool. And it involves a gigantic petrified dragon skull. Continue reading

I wanted a special room to complement the awesome look of the Ender IO Telepad. I used Steel Scaffolding from Immersive Engineering for the flooring. Under that is a layer of Celestial Crystal (added to the End by Biomes O'Plenty). The walls and ceiling are made up Conduit Facade painted to look like various decoration blocks from Ender IO, as well as more Celestial Crystal.

I wanted a special room to complement the awesome look of the Ender IO Telepad. I used Steel Scaffolding from Immersive Engineering for the flooring. Under that is a layer of Celestial Crystal (added to the End by Biomes O’Plenty). The walls and ceiling are made up Conduit Facade painted to look like various decoration blocks from Ender IO, as well as more Celestial Crystal.

Even though the extended version of the End (that includes Outer Islands and End Cities and Ships and stuff) has been in the game for a little while, now, up until recently I had never visited it. I wasn’t playing a lot of Minecraft when it was introduced, and in my current game I have been more interested in exploring the various mods I have installed.

But my curiosity finally got the better of me, and I decided to go exploring. I’ll probably be spending a good deal of time in the End for the foreseeable future, so I decided that I wanted a fast way to get not only to the End but to the Outer Islands without traveling 1500 blocks in the Overworld (or about 200 blocks in the Nether) to get to the End Portal, then using an ender pearl or two every time to make it through the End Gateway. Continue reading

I recently added Immersive Engineering to the list of mods I’m playing with in my current game. I’ve played a little with it before, and gaaawwww-lee is it a cool mod! As a tech mod, it has some basic functions in common with other big tech mods like Industrial Craft, Thermal Expansion, Rotarycraft, Mekanism, and Ender IO. But in its GUI-less multiblock approach and its overall aesthetic, it is completely unlike any other tech mod out there. Continue reading

I'm a hunka hunka burnin' love.

I’m a hunka hunka burnin’ love.

Darn the Nether. Darn it to heck.

Yup. I died again. Yeah. Yeah. It was … it was lava.

And … yeah … all my stuff got burned up. My Dark Iron armor, my Ender sword, my Dark Iron pickaxe (all upgraded to a ridiculous degree), my newly crafted Adamantine shovel, my diamond grappling hook, my electromagnet, my rainbow jet pack, my six Forestry backpacks, my Ender bag (essentially just like the largest alchemical bag from Equivalent Exchange) with a million other tools and machines, and stacks of food and torches.

All I had left was the bow I had enchanted with Soulbound. It’s a cool bow, with Power III, Infinity, Mending, and XP Boost, so I’m glad I kept that, at least. Continue reading

The grain silo, situated adjacent to the barn.

The grain silo, situated adjacent to the barn.

I play Minecraft differently depending on my mood. Sometimes when I’m feeling stressed I don’t want to automate anything, or go search for rare items, or explore anywhere, or engineer anything with redstone. Sometimes all I want to do is make things look pretty.

Case in point: in the last week or so I have spent quite a lot of time adding little touches to my farm area. I built what I thought was a pretty cool looking barn (and it turns out to be functional, too). But something was missing. It took only a little looking around online for me to realize that what my barn needed was a grain silo. Continue reading

Modern House 1

This is a pretty good shot of the front exterior. The glass is alternating Quite Clear Glass and Enlightened Glass from EnderIO.

When I build in Minecraft, more often than not I veer toward one of two basic styles: Rustic or Medieval. In my most recent survival game, I decided I wanted to do things a little differently. The following screenshots are of a work in progress, but there’s enough done that I think you can get the idea of what it is I’m trying to accomplish. Continue reading